August Storm, original painting
Title: "August Storm," 2021
Medium: Acrylic
Collection: Storm Cloud Collection
Size: 60x80cm
Surface: Stretched cotton canvas, unframed
Title: "August Storm," 2021
Medium: Acrylic
Collection: Storm Cloud Collection
Size: 60x80cm
Surface: Stretched cotton canvas, unframed
Title: "August Storm," 2021
Medium: Acrylic
Collection: Storm Cloud Collection
Size: 60x80cm
Surface: Stretched cotton canvas, unframed
Imagine that you walk through the field on a hot summer day. The heat and the pressure in the air is so high it is hard to breathe. All you can hear is silence. All you can feel is pressure. It is hard to walk, that is why you stop and just connect with this moment. You are here. You are present. And suddenly the wind picks up, the grass sways, and the clouds darken. As warm raindrops caress your skin, the pressure lifts, and you find yourself in a moment of freedom.
This original painting is more than a painting; it's a journey through life's storms. A part of the 'Storm Cloud' Collection, it explores themes of change, trust, and peace. Like weathering a storm, embracing change and trusting the process can reveal the resilience within us, much like amber formed under pressure.
To depict the golden field, I used layers of golden paint. In the light's embrace, this artwork mysteriously gleams, as if kissed by the sun.
Bring a touch of transformative art into your space with 'August Storm' and let it serve as a reminder that, by facing our fears and being present in our emotions, we can find beauty amidst life's storms.
'August Storm' is ready to be shipped worldwide, ready to bring a calm feeling to your home.